Actions - Letters sent out Français
Mr. Joseph Squitti, Mayor, Municipality of Alleyn-and-Cawood

Coalition contre le mégadépotoir de Danford
Coalition Against Danford Mega-dump
C. P. 911, Danford Lake (Québec) J0X 1P0

Mr. Joseph Squitti
Municipality of Alleyn-and-Cawood
10 Jondee Rd,
Danford  Lake, Quebec
J9X 1P0

Danford lake, 14 March 2006

Subject:  Access to information request about the proposed landfill site 

Dear Mr. Squitti, 

Pursuant to Section 9 of the Quebec Access to Information Act (Loi sur l’accès aux documents d’organismes publics), we are hereby asking you to send us a copy of ALL documents related to the engineered landfill project.  

This should include, but is not limited to, documents related to

  • zoning (except for the following by-laws, already in our possession: 04-027,  04-028 and 04-029);
  • the transfer of ownership of the land from the current owner (the provincial  government) to the municipality of Alleyn-and-Cawood;
  • the commitment by the municipality to a lease by CIEVO, and any other  written commitments to CIEVO or LDC, Gestion et services  environnementaux;
  • the final Notice of Project by LDC, and any other information provided to the  Municipality by LDC or Cohen and Cohen in support of this project;
  • any efforts undertaken by the Municipality to publicize the project;
  • any exchanges of correspondence or written records of discussions with LDC  or Cohen and Cohen;
  • advice or instructions on waste disposal given to the Municipality by the  provincial government;
  • minutes of all municipal meetings on which any of these topics were  discussed, and
  • the documents referred to in any such minutes.

Under the law, you are required to supply these documents within 21 calendar days. Failure to comply with this requirement will force us to file an official complaint.  

Truly yours, 

André Carrière


M. Pierre Ricard, Directeur régional de l’Outaouais,

ministre des Affaires municipales

Maître Nério de Candido, avocat

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