Media Français
Mayors reject entrepreneur's waste transfer station
The Equity 2008-11-12, Wilbur McLean, Equity Editor

PONTIAC * By a large margin, the Pontiac MRC council of mayors voted against Clarendon entrepreneur Tom Orr's tender to create a waste transfer station for Pontiac Friday morning.

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Municipality of Pontiac makes incinerator push
by Leah Iverson, The Equity

With only the remainder of the year left before the Ministry of Environment enforces the closure of municipal dumps the Municipality of Pontiac are pushing for an incinerator project to take care of the disposal of garbage. ....

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Incinerator could be operational by fall 2009
by Wilbur Mclean, Equity Editor, The Equity, 2008-07-23

PONTIAC • More details about a proposed incinerator for Pontiac were revealed in the last week and organizers are hopeful the facility will be built and operational by fall of 2009.

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It may be time to dump Danford
by Wilbur McLean, Editor, The EquityžShawville (Pontiac),August 1, 2008

There is a healthy amount of excitement among municipality politicians about the possibility of an incinerator in Pontiac.
What becomes of Danford Lake?
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Editorial: The misuse of secret sessions
by Richard Ledbetter, Pontiac Journal, 2008.07.11

At the recent MRC Pontiac mayors' council meeting - a public meeting - a grand total of one person was in attendance in the gallery, which is exactly one more than normally shows up for the meeting.
Then, at 9:15 she was asked to leave... Full text
The Editor's Opinion - Or just plain hot air? Winds of Change
by Richard Ledbetter, Pontiac Journal, 2008.06.04

At the last Pontiac County municipal meeting (MRC) the Mayor of mansfield & Pontefract, Ricky Romain, tabled a "notice of motion" Full text
Outaouais to investigate best waste disposal option
by DAVE ROGERS, Ottawa Citizen, Monday, February 18, 2008

The Outaouais has given itself five to six years to agree on a regional garbage incinerator, waste-to-energy or biofuel plant so area municipalities won't have to continue shipping their garbage to a landfill near Lachute. Full text
Quebec needs a Ministry of the Environment
by Fred Tyan, Pontiac News, 2 February 2007

The environment may be a significant concern for Quebec voters - poll after poll says so - and it may be in the heart of every politician sitting in the National Assembly - they tell us it is - but if actions speak louder than words, governmental action on the environment is so silent it must be dead. It's safe to assume Quebec has no functioning Ministry of the Environment. Full text
O'Brien declares 'war' on landfills
Mayor rejects Waste Management claim he must support expansion
by Jake Rupert and Suzanne Ma, The Ottawa Citizen, Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Ottawa Mayor Larry O'Brien says if Waste Management wants to pick a fight over expansion of the Carp Road landfill, he is ready to go Full text
Mayors tour dump of the future
by Ian Lordon (The Low Down to Hull & Back News) Jan 31 - Feb6, 2007

Not content with hollering "not in my backyard" to a pro­posed landfill in their commu­nity, members of the Coalition Against the Danford Megadump are also promoting alternatives to burying all the waste from the Outaouais region in Alleyn and Cawood.
To that end the coalition arranged for a Jan. 19 tour of a new waste disposal facility near-ing completion in Ottawa, then invited politicians and staff from Outaouais municipalities and MRCs to come along and see it for themselves.
"We invited various people from the Outaouais to attend," ....... Full text
Year of the Trash
by Ian Lordon (The Low Down to Hull & Back News) Jan 31 - Feb6, 2007

I would humbly suggest that when the BAPE hearings roll into town, people here in the Hills should pressure their municipal representatives to take a stand against the Danford landfill project. To at least delay it until we know conclusively whether plasma gasification is a viable and preferable alternative. And if it is, we should do everything in our power to bring it here. Full text
Mr. Squitty's firm insistence that the benefits of the dump in Danford Lake Municipality outweigh the problems does not surprise me. What politician discovering an unexpected windfall of money for his constituents could easily say no?
By Rev.Ivan F.Jesperson

A second visit to the Gatineau/Pontiac region this year has once more stirred up my very deep concernfor the region. This region sits, in my opinion, on the edge of a very deep precipice that appears ready for a horrific landslide. Full text
Ontario nixes Napanee dump expansion
Saturday, November 04, 2006
NAPANEE - After nearly a decade of fighting, the Ontario government has agreed with the people of Napanee that a proposed mega-dump would put human health and the environment at risk. Full text
Coalition Against the Dandford MegaDumpÂ’s letter to the editor of The Ottawa Citizen in reaction to the editorial by Fred Ryan
October 16, 2006
The Editor,
It is heartening to read Fred Ryan’s article (“Democracy dies with dump deal” October 12) and his recognition that significant issues of democracy are at stake. Full text
Democracy dies with dump deal
By Fred Ryan, Thursday, October 12, 2006, The Ottawa Citizen
We are, it seems, the garbage-producing animal. If even Aristotle overlooked this as he sought to define what it is to be human, I suppose we can be forgiven for also missing the importance of the huge trail of waste we leave behind us.
Except we seem to be missing it on purpose, at least in the Pontiac, where the regional government, the MRC, just blindsided a citizens' effort to have the Danford Lake landfill proposal publicly discussed and voted on by the people most affected. Full text
3,800 sign up to oppose Danford Lake landfill
By Dave Rogers, The Ottawa Citizen, Thursday, September 07, 2006
More than 3,800 landowners have signed a petition opposing an Outaouais landfill site on Danford Lake, an hour north of Ottawa, but municipal officials are ignoring them. Full text
4000 signatures recueillies contre le projet de dépotoir de Danford Lake
By Lafortune, Louis, Le Droit, La Région, samedi 2 septembre 2006, p. 9
Face au refus de la municipalité de tenir un référendum, des résidents opposés à la construction d'un mégadépotoir de Danford Lake ont fait circuler une pétition qui a recueilli 4000 noms jusqu'à maintenant. Full text
Letters to the Editor
By André Carrière, Coalition Against the Danford Megadump, 27 August 2006
The short sightedness of the editorial writer who produced the recent opinion piece on waste management and Ottawa area landfill sites was astonishing and showed an unacceptable lack of knowledge of modern waste management methods. Full text
Quebec landfill opponents worry dump will get Ottawa garbage
Residents demand referendum
By Dave Rogers, The Ottawa Citizen, Wednesday, August 23, 2006
Opponents of a proposed landfill near Danford Lake, an hour north of Gatineau, have complained to the Quebec government that their mayor won't hold a referendum on the plan they say could include a mountain of garbage from Ottawa. Full text
To the Editor
Published on Wed, July 5, 2006 by The Equity
An opinion editorial in response to the Ottawa Citizen’s June 27, 2006 article “Residents turn up noses at proposed Pontiac dump”. ... An obvious solution would be to reduce consumption, eliminate superfluous packaging and examine alternative disposal technologies. It is time society moved beyond the not in my backyard (NIMBY) mentality, and began to consider waste solutions other than massive landfills. Full text
To the Editor
By Michèle Borchers, Coalition Against the Danford Megadump, Danford Lake, July 10, 2006
Despite the request of the Coalition Against the Danford Megadump for a delay to consider alternative solutions for residual waste management, the MRC de Pontiac, in the presence of the media, voted on June 26, 2006 to add a site in the Municipality of Alleyn-and-Cawood as a possible location for an engineered landfill in the Pontiac. Full text
Residents turn up noses at proposed Pontiac dump
By Dave Rogers, The Ottawa Citizen, Tuesday, June 27, 2006
Pontiac's regional council has named Danford Lake as a potential location for a regional landfill site that opponents say could grow to a mountain of garbage 22 storeys high, towering over Outaouais cottage country within 30 years. Full text
Garbage: Being NIMBY is ethical and visionary
By Katharine Fletcher, THE EQUITY, 22-March-2006
DANFORD LAKE • The Coalition Against Danford Megadump is encouraging residents of the Municipality of Alleyn and Cawood to vote against proposed rezoning bylaws at council's next meeting. Full text
Coalition to vote down rezoning bylaws
By LEAH MILLER,Equity Editor, THE EQUITY, 22-March-2006
DANFORD LAKE • The Coalition Against Danford Megadump is encouraging residents of the Municipality of Alleyn and Cawood to vote against proposed rezoning bylaws at council's next meeting. Full text
What are the facts?
By Robert Fowler, THE EQUITY, 22-March-2006
Dear Editor,
This past week I received "The Facts" published by ClEVO, an acronym which doesn't translate into a snappy English version. The paper at first gives the impression it is an independent authority though in reality it is LDC Management which is the company which wants to develop the Danfofd Lake garbage dump.

The Facts" puts forth the same arguments that have been used for the last 30 to 40 years: basically, dump your garbage in a hole and cover it up. Full text
Don't dump on Danford
By Robert Wills Clarendon, THE EQUITY, 22-March-2006
Dear Editor,

When, in the history of civilization, have the residents of any town said, "Boy, howdy! I sure am glad we got that dump! Before that, we had to make do with clean skies and water, trees and hills, fish and fauna?" Ask residents of Cantley or Stittsville if they think a landfill improves the neighbourhood. Why would the residents of Danford Lake trade the tourist potential of Mont O'Brien for the pollution potential of Mount Dumpford? Full text
Whose garbage in whose backyard?
This edition of the Journal contains a twenty-page flyer from the pro­moters of a large, regional landfill site near Danford Lake. The document is informative and positive; all our readers should study it. Questions about the con­cept of this project, and its real-time effects - good and bad - should interest us all, no matter where we live in the Pontiac. This site will be the destination for most of our garbage, and it is our water table that the project may threaten. Full text
Put Danford dump to a vote
By Ian Lordon, The Low Down to Hull & Back News, March 17,2006
Something is rotten in the state of Danford.
Apologies to Shakespeare for the bastardization, but the bard would surely approve if he witnessed recent events in the tiny municipality with a big ambition. What fun Billy could have with Mayor Joe Squitty and his bull-headed rush to turn his town into the trashcan of Outaouais. Full text
Mayor's veto secures council support for Danford mega dump
By Ian Lordon, The Low Down to Hull & Back News , March 8-14,2006 (Page 7)

One month after he vetoed a resolution withdrawing municipal support for an engineered landfill proposed in his community, Alleyn and Cawood Mayor Joe Squitty got what he wanted. Full text
Dump proponents launch charm offensive aimed at mayors, public
By Ian Lordon, The Low Down to Hull & Back News, March 8-14,2006 (Page 7)

While landfill opponents are hiring lawyers and erecting "Stop the Mega Dump" signs all over the Gatineau Hills, promoters of the proposed Danford Lake Dump recently went on the offensive themselves with a number of initiatives aimed at shoring up support for the project. Full text
Anti-dump crowd backs mayor into corner
By Ian Lordon, The Low Down to Hull & Back News, Feb. 8-14,2006 (Page 6)

There was high drama in Danford Lake Feb. 6 as council for Alleyn and Cawood tabled a disputed motion to rescind support for the engineered landfill proposed in the municipality. Full text
Low mayor: 'putting garbage in ground is passe'
By Ian Lordon, The Low Down to Hull & Back News, Feb. 8-14,2006 (Page 7)

Low council piled onto the crowded bandwagon of Danford dump opponents, adopting a motion opposing the proposal to build an engineered lanfill in Alleyn and Cawood at its Feb. 6 meeting. Full text
Project gets community support - Danford Lake accepts engineered landfill
By Kate Aley, PONTIAC JOURNAL DU PONTIAC, 2005-03-23

DANFORD LAKE: Following a successful open house event held at the Bethany Hall in Danford Lake on March 12th, the Notice of Project for an engineered landfill site has been submitted to the Ministry of the Environment, formally starting the development process. Full text
Two sides to the story
By Kate Aley, Page 26 2006.01.18 PONTIAC JOURNAL DU PONTIAC - 683-3582

Citizens are banding together to voice their growing concerns about the proposed engineered landfill site near the village of Danford Lake. In a recent press release, the Coalition Against the Proposed Danford Lake Landfill Project outlines six major reasons why the building of the landfill would be inviting disaster. Full text
Danford dump opponents get organized and launch petition
By Ian Lordon, The Low Down to Hull & Back News January 25 - 31, 2006

A group of residents from Alleyn and Cawood and Kazabazua are circulating a petition against a proposal to build a mammoth engineered landfill near Danford Lake.
The Citizens Coalition Against the Proposed Danford Lake Landfill Project mailed an information package and petition to every ratepayer in the municipality and hopes to garner enough signatures to convince the municipal council to withdraw support for the project. Full text
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