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The Coalition encourages all residents of the Outaouais to fax or email a short “open letter” to Mme Charlotte L’Écuyer, the Pontiac MNA and Liberal Party candidate, to express their disappointment at her active support for the proposed Danford Lake megadump.
An “open letter” is one that is copied to the media in the hope that they will publish it. Therefore it is essential that you fax or e-mail a copy of your letter to the media, as well as to Premier Jean Charest, and to the Coalition. Contact info is provided on page two. Letters have to be e-mailed or faxed no later than December 2nd
Here is a list of issues that have been raised by local and regional residents and that you might want to consider when you write your own letter:
- How can Mme L’Écuyer support the Danford Megadump Project when the Quebec Environmental Review Board (BAPE) recommended against approving it?
- Why is she not listening to the people in the Region who clearly said, through the BAPE hearings, that they do NOT want a megadump, in Danford or anywhere else in the Region?
- Why is she refusing to meet with her own constituents regarding this matter? She does not have all the facts.
- Is her “open door policy” only for those who agree with her?
- When was the last time she met with all Danford Lake residents to find out what they think?
- Why can’t she understand that the future of the Pontiac lies in ecotourism and recreational property development and that a megadump would seriously compromise this future?
- The public and the great majority of elected officials in the Outaouais want to move away from landfill and towards a green and sustainable solution. Why is she not listening? Why is she stuck on outdated technology?
- Why is she totally disregarding neighboring residents in the Outaouais who would be heavily impacted by a megadump in Danford?
- How does she justify running counter to her own government's Strategy on Sustainable Development and Policy on Waste Management, and to the recommendations of the Parliamentary Commission on Residual Matter?
- Why isn’t she more like Barack Obama: pushing for green technologies and creating new green jobs that pay well?
- Why is she the only MNA not engaged in supporting the Region in its search for a modern, green, sustainable alternative to landfill?
Fax or email your letter to:
Mme Charlotte L’Écuyer
Députée de Pontiac
1226, route 148
Case postale 100
Campbell's Bay (Québec)
J0X1K0 |
Fax: 819-648-2448
E-mail: |
DO NOT FORGET to fax or email a copy to:
And the Coalition:
The Coalition has written to Mrs. Line Beauchamp, Quebec minister of Sustainable Development, Environment and Parks, to encourage her to quickly recommend to Cabinet to follow the BAPE's recommendation and reject the Danford engineered landfill site project. This letter will be posted on our Website shortly.
We are encouraging you to do the same as this is a critical stage in the process. It is important to be positive in your message/letter and say in your own words something similar to:
- your endorsement of the BAPE's recommendation rejecting the proposed massive engineered landfill in Danford Lake ;
- encourage the minister to recommend to Cabinet that the project be rejected;
- reiterate your support for alternative waste management technologies, in particular those that convert waste into energy
Here is how you can reach her:
Mrs. Line Beauchamp, Minister
Ministère du Développement durable, de l'Environnement et des Parcs
Édifice Marie-Guyart
675, boul. René-Lévesque Est
30e étage
Québec (Québec)
Téléphone : 418 521-3911
Télécopieur : 418 643-4143
Help us prevent an environmental and economic disaster in our region by writing to the Premier of Quebec, Mr. Jean Charest, the Quebec minister of Environment, Mr. Thomas Mulcair, and the Quebec minister of Municipal Affairs, Mrs. Nathalie Normandeau.
The model letters can be downloaded in one convenient package
Once saved to your hard drive, just click on the file , and load the desired letter into your word processor.
NOTE: On windows 98, you may have to download the WinZip program to open the file.
The program is free. Most computers already have this program installed.
To print a letter straight from this site, please select it from the following list:
(NOTE: These letters will not have your address or date. You may have to add these in hand writing).
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